Updating dayz launcher stuck
Updating dayz launcher stuck

updating dayz launcher stuck

The fireplace was missing some particles when burning.Trying to ignite a wet fireplace would activate burning sounds.After cooking, the sound of roasting meat would persist on the equipment used.Land mines ruined by shooting did not explode ( ).The land mine disappeared upon disarming.The Revolver was missing its dry fire sound.The dry fire of the CR-550 did not have sounds in prone stance.The CR-550 magazine was not properly reflecting damage states.The wrong text was shown when dragging a body out of vehicles.Melee damage was dealt in the direction the camera was facing.Stones were not properly displayed when left as the last attachment of a fireplace.

updating dayz launcher stuck

When entering the pause menu after disabling the HUD, the HUD could not be re-enabled ( ).The stamina indicator was not displayed in the inventory with disabled HUD ( ).Widget of dead players/animals was not displayed after leaving a vehicle ( ).The slot for cooking equipment was displayed when the tripod was not attached.When driving the Gunter and Olga without a radiator, the spark plug got ruined too early.Adjusted some exploitable building collisions (  – private).Doors of several structures could not be opened by force.Advanced sensitivity options for controller.Craftable improvised explosive device (IED).Abandoned trains dynamically spawning across Chernarus and Livonia.You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker.In case of problems, please check the Bohemia Interactive support F.A.Q. or DayZ F.A.Q.

Updating dayz launcher stuck